Spa 1001 Step by Step is a guidance and recommendation to obtain the right effect during and after your spa visit. Following this plan exactly is not mandatory, but recommended. If you deviate from the (cooling) method, it is possible that heat build-up may occur in your body, which may make you unwell.
The use of bath flip flops is mandatory. It is also recommended to use the toilet for your Spa experience.
Step 1 – Take a shower
Hygiene is very important, especially at higher temperatures. Start with a hot shower before entering the sauna or the steam room.
Step 2 – Towel
This must be done to allow the hot air on the dry skin in the sauna. If you enter the room wet, the sweating will be retained.
It is also not nice for you and your party when the banks get wet.
Step 3 – Hot foot bath (5 – 10 minutes)
The warm foot bath is an important part. The warm water brings the blood in the feet to a higher temperature. The capillaries are widened via the nervous system and the body is well prepared for the Finnish sauna or Turkish steam bath.
Step 4 – Sauna or Steam room (6 – 15 minutes)
The flip flops remain outside the rooms.
Because of the warmth of the benches (and hygiene) you have bring a towel into the sauna. Sitting or lying down, but with the feet at the same height as the buttoms so that your body warms up evenly. The higher you sit, the hotter it gets.
The minimum sauna duration is approximately 6 minutes to open the pores and activate the sweat glands.
The maximum recommended time is 15 minutes.The last 2 minutes we advice taking a sitting position to prevent dizziness.
Steam room
It is recommended to stay in the steam room for at least 10 and up to 20 minutes in order to achieve the right effect.The effect of the steam room can be compared with that of the sauna. However, the temperature in a steam room is much lower due to the higher humidity in the steam room.
Step 5 – Cold shower
Pay close attention to your breathing and give your lungs enough oxygen.After steaming, it is best to take a cold shower: starting at your left foot and then slowly work it up. It is very important that your body cools well!
Step 6 – Hot foot bath (5 – 10 minutes)
We advise to end with a hot foot bath. This way the cooled body is gradually brought back to temperature. If you start to sweat again during the foot bath, it is important to repeat step 5, followed by step 6. This in connection with possible build up of body heat.
Step 7 – Rest & Hydration
Before you repeat the procedure, you must be assured that you have taken enough time in between. Take place in the tranquility sofa or relaxation lounge to reduce the body temperature, or chill in the bubbelbad . Meanwhile: make sure you get enough fluids.